Thursday, May 29, 2008

As summer is nearing and my calendar is labeled with the count down for the last day of school, the kids and I are preparing for our summer adventure. Every spring we kick off the season with 'Livin Like Indians Day". This happens on opening day of trout season and it is surrounded with a style that Indian's would have lived by. Or at least the concept of. Dawson went to the Motocross races in Seattle that afternoon, so my nephew took his place.

We have named our plans to RV all summer, "Boondock or Die". Since my last post a few things have happened. For starters, 99% of my belongings are now boxed up and in storage. The other 1% is scattered between the homes of friends, family and an ex-husband. We decided to move out of our house a month early to see how well we can actually improvise. It probably seems a bit on the vagabond side, but we are loving it.

Our plans to leave 3 days after school gets out has been postponed due to an invitation I received for a wedding. I could have easily refused to take notice to the dainty scribble that littered my new P.O. Box. Yet my Mother feels it is necessary for me to make an appearance at this formal ritual. An event that will be full of individuals of kinship, so grateful to a union of two people that is meant to be true, valid and accurate. I will grudgingly concede and attend to free myself of allegation or blame. I on the other hand would rather attend the the divorce party or second marriage.

This has pushed our departure date to the week of July 7th. Which isn't so bad for my kids. This will offer them more time to earn more money for the trip. For those of you who think I am going to finance, not only my own summer fun, but my kids as well..... think again! They each have able working bodies, they can conger up their own cash. So they have all come up with their own semi-legit business's. Coralyn has taken it upon herself to dig up some of my Mom's perennials and selling them at the end of her driveway. As if Grandma would never catch on to the 2 picnic table benches littered with plants next to the split rail fence at her mailbox. But hell... I'm not gonna stop her. She made 18 bucks in a day and a half.

As for the money earning tactics of the boys...... Well- I will keep that to myself in order to save them any grief from the Fish and Wildlife Enforcement Agency.

Life has been so fun and exciting in the last two months and I can't hardly wait until summer.

I don't know where I'm going.................. but I know I'm on my way!!!!